The Snooze

Improve your mental health in your sleep

Improve Your Mental Health In Your Sleep

It's that time of year again. With the holidays in full swing, that means preparing for parties, get-togethers, and visits from friends and family. Many of us are fortunate enough to experience this time of the year with our loved ones, but some are not. While most people look forward to all the festivities and traditions the holiday season brings, but this cheerful time can be difficult for others for a variety of reasons. Whether you’re someone who can’t get enough of the holidays, or if you’d rather time would just speed by, remember to set aside some alone time to focus on yourself. 

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Oh Snap! The Flu is Back

The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year, but with all the festivities come the flu and, in today's world, COVID-19. It's crucial to have our immune systems in their best fighting form with so many viruses going around.  

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Throw Away the Melatonin and Buy a Plant

A bedroom is considered by most to be their sanctuary. The place you sleep and spend your downtime. Bedrooms typically include a bed, furniture, and usually, some décor to express ourselves. Decorations are fun and cute, and for many of us, they complement our personality or display the different things we like. But these decorations don't always do a whole lot for us.  

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